
For each product, the price is indicated including VAT, if applicable. If the nature of the Product makes it impossible to calculate it in advance, the methods of calculating the price are indicated.
Furthermore, any taxes, additional costs and delivery costs that may vary depending on the destination, the chosen delivery method and/or the payment method used will be indicated. If such items of expenditure cannot reasonably be calculated in advance, there will be an indication of which costs will be charged to the User.
The Owner reserves the right to modify, at any time, the price of the Products and all possible additional costs. It is understood that any price changes will not in any case affect contracts already concluded before the modification.
The User undertakes to pay the price of the Product within the time and manner indicated on the Site and to communicate all necessary data requested.
The Site uses third-party tools for payment processing and does not in any way come into contact with the payment data provided (credit card number, name of the cardholder, password, etc.).
Should such third-party tools deny payment authorization, the Owner will not be able to supply the Products and cannot be held liable in any way.
The Site offers the following payment methods for purchases:
  • Mark;
  • Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard and American Express);
  • Paypal (VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Postepay, Carta Aura and American Express circuits);
Some payment methods may not be available due to the type of Product purchased and/or the delivery or shipping method.
The payment methods actually available to the User in relation to the individual Product will in any case be indicated during the purchase procedure.